Crafting your Digital Essence

A website has become a critical tool in modern day business, as it is a platform that hosts your company information, products / services and drives your business objectives, all within an environment that allows potential customers to easily find you. The beauty of a website is that it is customisable to your business needs, offering endless designs, colours and layouts to drive objectives.

We are firm believers that a website needs to fulfil a purpose and a drive an objective. Having a website only because your neighbour recommended it is not the way to approach a digital expense. It takes time to put together a well thought out design and build- this time costs money, and there is nothing worse than being sold an idea for tens of thousands of Rand, only to see no improvement on your bottom line. At Qwerty we are solution finders, continually optimising your website to drive the best results.

What We Offer

Website Packages


Results- without breaking the bank

5 to 10-page website
Limited design options
Limited functionality
Basic SEO
Mobile responsive

Effectively puts your business in the online space, local and global
Allows digital users to find you
Drive lead generation through online enquiries on your website

Suited to:

Small businesses, bloggers, start-ups, first-timers


Custom functionality to suit your needs.

15 to 20- page website
Custom design options
Custom functionality
Basic SEO
Mobile responsive

Display products/services on individual pages
Rank for dedicated search terms
Landing pages for media campaigns
Drive lead generation

Suited to:

Small to medium businesses, B2B clients, Brands, Business using digital for business purposes


Unlimited options, unlimited possibilities

Unlimited pages
Fully-custom design
Custom functionality
Advanced SEO
Mobile responsive

Create a meaningful customised experience
Integrate functionalities into existing SaaS
API and Database integration
Products and Digital Sales through Ecommerce platforms

Suited to:

Entrepreneurs, Technologically driven businesses, app creators